Yahoo! News - Yahoo Survey Reveals 'Web Withdrawal'
Yahoo! News - Yahoo Survey Reveals 'Web Withdrawal'
Jay Wrolstad,
Take away their Web access, and most people have a hard time coping, suffering withdrawal symptoms reflected in feelings of being hopelessly out of touch with the world. That is the conclusion drawn from research conducted by Web portal Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO - news) and media services firm OMD.
Well, my first reaction to this was...Duh. I'm not even sure why someone had to research this one. I've been using the term "datastarve" for about 15 years since I read a book called The Long Run by Daniel Keys Moran (one of the best scifi books I've read and easily the best character in any book I've read). My second reaction was....ummmm....Who did the research? Oh, just Yahoo, glad there isn't a conflict of intrest there. So I read the article and it gets better. They actually plug advertising in the freaking article!
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