George W. Bush Doll

George W. Bush
Ah George, George, ever since you managed to become President of the United States of America without actually having to win the election, you've succeeded in becoming a glowing example of world leadership to us all.
So it comes as no surprise that your impressive leadership has resulted in you being forever immortalised in this scarily life-like effigy, this beautifully hand-crafted testament to your greatness, this work of art to celebrate your searing intellect. Lovingly cast in the highest quality plastic, as befits your stature, this wonderful sculpture (sic) is absolutely stuffed with a seemingly endless stream of your most delightfully asinine 'Bushisms'. Who can forget such timeless gems as "Rarely is the question asked is our children learning", and the inspiring "A strong America, is an America based on strong families". These greats among dozens more are just the touch of a button away.
You ever get the feeling that our English friends aren't too impressed with Georgie? I really want to get one of these. I think it would be a blast when I have one of my token republican friends over.
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