New data transmission record -- 2.56 terabits a second

New record set for fastest data transmission -- 2.56 terabits a second - Engadget
Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications has teamed with Fujitsu to see how much data they could squeeze through one of those glass pipes. The results sure look good; by pumping light at various wavelengths they managed to squeeze 60 DVDs worth of data a second over a 100 mile link. The new 2.56tbps records smashes the old 1.28tbps record
That is just insane. Damn you Verizon! Hurry up with my FIOS!
Yup. Time Warner has had a monopoly on high speed service for 10 years down here. Not that Verizon is much better, but at least with some competition the end user won't get screwed as bad.
Funny thing happened down here when Verizon started rolling out Fios. All of a sudden Time Warner jumped its service up from 3Mb to 5Mb, all for free. Completely coincidental I'm sure.
Just like the recent jump from 5Mb to 7Mb that happened a couple months ago. Which I am equally sure had nothing to do with Verizon winning approval for Tv service.
My favorite part is the Cable companies assertions that letting other companies into the market will degrade the quality of service. Ummm...yeaaaaaah. At the first hint of an alternative, my broadband speed has more than doubled.
Lets hear it for degraded service!
Readers of this comment thread should know that oldhats, lessgov and pkp646 are part of a tag-team of industry shills who invade blog comments on net neutrality and related issues and to argue against any government regulation of telephone comapnies. Other names who run with this crowd are John Rice, AJ Carey and Paulaner01. (Google any of these names in combination and you'll see how their game works).
By tag-teaming the blogs, this small handful of individuals gives the false impression of broad popular support for an industry-friendly position.
I'd like these people to tell us how it is that they appear together (usually one after the other) spouting identical industry talking points across the blogosphere.
What gives guys? Are you being paid to do this? And by whom?
Hmmm...a quick Google does see to support Timothy's theory. Fortunately, all we have been discussing is allowing competition in the not so competitive broadband market. Which I strongly support.
Net neutrality is also on my top ten list of good things. Preemptive legislation would save a lot of time and hassle. Businesses will try to provide "tiered/priority" service because they can make more money that way. Anyone remember when a cable provider started blocking Skype traffic?
It isn't rocket science. Companies will try anything they can get away with to increase profits. Hell, that is what they are supposed to do in a capitalist society. It is the government's job to create legislation that protects citizens (like anti-trust laws for example).
Let's just go ahead and pass something so the telco/cable companies can stop wasting our time with this tiered service crap.
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