Ban on skinny models shocks fashion world

Ban on skinny models shocks fashion world - Yahoo! News
The Madrid show is using the body mass index or BMI -- based on weight and height -- to measure models. It has turned away 30 percent of women who took part in the previous event. Medics will be on hand at the September 18-22 show to check models.
Under the Madrid ruling, models must have a BMI rating of around 18. That would disqualify top Spanish model Esther Canadas, and supermodels like Kate Moss, based on unofficial records of their height and weight.
About fucking time! Seriously, what the hell is attractive about the skinny, heroin-chic, "waif" models? Sorry, I prefer my women to look like...ummm...women? I know, a daring statement, but I am willing to stand by it.
I really just don't get it. The whole heroin-chic thing was nasty in the 80's and it ain't got any better since. Anyway, enough ranting, if the Yahoo link is dead click here for the full story.
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