ExtremePumpkins.com - Extreme Pumpkin Carving

ExtremePumpkins.com - Extreme Pumpkin Carving
Extreme Pumpkins.com - Pumpkin carving at its wildest!
At what point did the carving of pumpkins turn into a "cute" event? When did boys stop carving pumpkins and moms start? Where did we lose touch with one of the years coolest events?
Welcome to ExtremePumpkins.com where strange pumpkins, pumpkin patterns, and alternative pumpkin carving techniques are developed and demonstrated for you. Pumpkin carving will never be the same.
Yes, I know I'm late. So sue me. Use the ideas for next year. I was partying all weekend at Necronomicon.
For those who have never attended a Sci-fi con it is kinda like Caligula for geeks. In short, if you are reading this blog and you can get to Tampa, FL in October you should go. And yes, I did just imply that by reading this blog you are in fact a geek.
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