Peekaboo Pole

Peekaboo Pole - I Want One Of Those
The Peekaboo Pole Dancing set is the world's first complete Pole Dancing Kit. Packed neatly into a handy tube (so you can take it to parties - and you'll want to) is a chrome plated extendable dance pole, an instructional dance leaflet, a pink garter, and a stack of fake $10 bills for people to stuff into it! The pole is spring loaded and will extend up to a height of 8 foot 6 inches (to use on ceilings no higher that 8'2"), and it needs no drills or screws.
Well, I was looking for something as sexy as Baa's pistol and lookee what I found. Pistols are cool, but boobies are better! I'm thinking about starting one of those "make mad money at home" scams. Sign up and send me $200 bucks and I'll send you everything you need to make extra cash at home. Whadya think?
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